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The COMET RP System:

A Whole New System:

After almost killing a party with a group of enemy frogs, COMET decided it was best to try a system that was a little bit more fair to players, easier for people running events, and simple for everybody to pick up. We've been using this system for 4 years, working out bugs, fixes, kinks, and other issues--so far, it's been working like a charm!

System Features:

◘ Custom Jobs -- Combine two jobs together to create your own unique role, specialize in a single job, or try our Freelancer job! The possibilities are endless.

◘ Archtype System -- Specialize your character's abilities further with our four Archtypes: Defender, Assailant, Healer, and Support!

◘ Simple D&D, 5th Edition-style layout -- We watered down all the complicated math so you don't have to hurt your head. Status effects are uncomplicated and easy to understand.

◘ Be great at what you're good at -- Get advantages for doing things your character is actually proficient in with our unique Specialties system!

◘ Fully Customizable Items -- Making items is quick and simplistic, limited only to your imagination.

◘ Cheat Sheets -- For those of us who easily forget, the combat tracking sheet has everything you need to jump right back into things!

◘ Legendary Weapons -- Put time and effort into attending events and collect Glittering Shards to tap into your Legendary Weapons: armaments of incredible power!

◘ Gear Sets -- Want to try different combinations of jobs in our system? No worries; the Gear Set system has you covered.

◘ The Original Flavor -- We're the first and longest-lasting "D&D style system" Free Company on Mateus, constantly tweaking and updating things with each new expansion to fit different styles of adventuring and roleplaying! 

Not content to sit on our laurels, we also take in suggestions from others to help constantly improve said system to be the best it can possibly be!

What You Need:

 Google Documents -- You'll need a Google Account in order to access our character sheet!

 Our Custom Books -- We've laid out the whole system in our two system guidebooks.
(These are accessed via our Discord server. They are not made public due to people stealing our work without giving us credit. We've been incredibly protective of our system since.
This has happened multiple times (by the same people.)

That's it. No really. That's all you need!


WARNING: You may want to watch the video below to see what you're getting yourself into BEFORE applying to us!

Black Metal

COMET's Monster Hunter System

In 2018, Square Enix and Capcom created a crossover between Monster Hunter World and Final Fantasy XIV. Since then, we've added a unique part to our Roleplay System that allows for players to hunt, track, fight, and even tame classic foes from the series like never before!

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